Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dude, Bubble Tea

VT's Bubble Cup recently opened on Bardstown Road, and I can't emphasize how excited I am that I will no longer have to drive to the outer fringes of the city to indulge in this tasty treat (sorry Vietnam Kitchen, your food is awesome, I will always love you, but you only carry one flavor of bubble tea!). Bubble tea, for the unenlightened, is a delicious union of iced tea, milk, and your flavor of choice. Black tapioca pearls sit at the bottom of the cup, which one is able to suck up through a specially designed large neon straw. The drink originated in Taiwan, I think, spread throughout Asia, and then eventually to the US via Chinatown communities in California and New York. There are many flavors -- too many to list here -- but my favorites thus far have been mango (not too sweet, not too fruity), lavender (very subtle), and taro root. Fun! During my spring break, I single-handedly kept this place in business by my frequent visitations, eager to try every flavor. Now that my time is a little more limited, I implore you to stop by so that I can continue to enjoy my beloved bubble tea. Admittedly, that's a little selfish, but I have been drinking this concoction on both coasts for years now, anxiously awaiting the day this trend would infiltrate the midwest. Now that it has, I am not letting it go without a fight. Globalization, for once, I salute you!